I purchased a yard of fabric (the blue with the princess dresses) which was designed by Sandy Workman (owner of Pine Needles) and some pink fabric for the ruffles, some yellow dotted for the hair, and black for shoes. Emily helped me dye the fabric for the head, arms, and legs. By using other fabric which I had in stock, I was able to make four. They are partially finished here.
After I finished them, I sent the two with yellow ponytails (2nd and 4th ones) to the Happy Factory in Cedar City for their fundraising event. (They make wooden toys to send all over the world to children who don't have much.) The other two ( yellow hair with bangs and blue ponytails) I took to Pine Needles in West Jordan and My Sister's Quilts (Carolyn and Linda own this shop) in Riverton for samples.
I'm sorry that I didn't take the time to take photos of them, but two of them are still around. It's weird that I feel connected to them. Maybe it's all the effort I put into making them.
I ended up with four samples that I am replacing. These two are going to The Festival of Trees! I have a desire to help children.
And these two I put on Etsy today.

They make me smile! :)