I love crazy patch! I don't know if it's because I can make something out of little bits of fabric pieced together or because my grandma did it or because it has a wonderful homespun look (probably all three)!
I pieced both blocks a while back, but I sewed together the Mary Englebriet one today for a gift. It is made up of the crazy patch square, the back square, a Insul-Brite square, and a Warm and Natural square---each 7 1/2".
Make a sandwich putting wrong sides of fabric pieces together with the batting pieces on top. Oh, you'll need to make a tube for hanging it from a 1 1/2" x 6" rectangle of fabric sewn along the long side and then turned. Fold in half and pin to one corner of the crazy patch block with raw edges facing out. Sew around the block with a 1/4" seam leaving a 2 inch opening for turning.
Turn right side out, slip stitch the opening closed, and press. (Something you could do that I didn't do is stitch in the ditch around each patchwork piece to give it definition and hold the layers together.) It's ready for giving!
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